Microvolume UV-Vis SpectrophotometerUPT100 is a new full-wavelength ultra-tracespectrophotometer, which can be used todetect nucleic acids, proteins, bacteria, cells o l u t i o n s , m i c r o a r r a y s a m p l e s a n dconventional full-wavelength scanning.Products are widely used in biology, chemistry,chemical industry, medicine, pharmacy,environment, food, agriculture and otherfields. It is a necessary testing equipment forcolleges, research institutes and laboratories.
Light source: long-life xenon lamp
Detector: 2048 linear CMOS array
Wavelength range: 190-850nm
Wavelength accuracy: ±1nm
Wavelength resolution: 1.1nm (FWHM Hg 253nm)
Repeatability: <±0.5nm< p="">
Optical path: 1mm
Nucleic acid range: 3000ng/uL (DS-DNA)
Protein range: 0.01-1188mg/mL (BSA)
Sample volume: 0.5-1.5μl
Absorbance accuracy: 1% (0.76 absorbance at 350nm)
Absorbance range: 0.002-450 (equivalent to 10mm optical path)
Detection time: less than 5s
Sample platform material: stainless steel and quartz fiber
Dimensions: 175mmX190mmX180mm
Weight: 2KG